Naomi Mae W.,

Naomi Mae W. (Dr. Mae) is currently an Associate Program Officer and Project Manager at the Spencer Foundation where she reviews across the foundation's major grant programs and helps manage Spencer's strategic work and events. Dr. Mae has been an activist scholar and community organizer for over ten years with dedication to advancing educational equity and justice within urban school districts. Naomi is originally from Southeast San Diego, CA, and received her B.A. in African American Studies from University of California, Berkeley; a M.A. in Educational Politics, Leadership, and Advocacy from New York University; and a PhD in Educational Foundations and Policy from the University of Michigan. She is a community-based researcher and critical ethnographer whose current research centers youth organizers of color as they build multiracial-multiethnic coalitions to fight for greater educational justice. Naomi deeply believes in community and relationship building and enjoys collaborating with young people, program coordination, organizing, and all things music.

Episode 02: I got accepted, now what?


Reuben Riggs-Bookman


Charles Wilkes